
Useful things in HTML (Lesson 1)

     This tutorials is for beginners in WEB DEVELOPING. First of all I'd like to talk about what is HTML? HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the standard markup language used to create web pages. Along with CSS and JavaScript, HTML is a cornerstone technology used to create web pages, as well as to create user interfaces for mobile and web applications. Also we use web browsers to read that HTML.

     HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML page. HTML elements are delineated by TAGS, writing using angle brackets.

                ex - <h1>Here is the Heading</h1>

Here is the Useful Tags in HTML - 1

TAG Description
<H1/H2/H3/H4 > To create Heading
< P > To Start Paragraph
< br/ > Insert a Single line break
< hr/ > Thematic Break in HTML
< ol > To create order list
< ul > To create unorder List
< dl > < dt > < dd > Defines start of list , Definition Terms , Define definition
< b > To BOLD text
< em >
< i > To ITALIC text
< sup > To SUPERSCRIPT text
< sub > To SUBSCRIPT text
< del > STRUCK through text
< code > For CODE text
< img > To add Images to your WEB SITE
There are many other tags we use in HTML. Keep in touch with us.

So, Now i am going to write a HTML page using some of the tags i given,

<head><title> My first Web PAGE </title>
    <h1 align="center">CHARLIE CHAPLIN</h1>
     <p align="center">Chaplin's childhood in London was one of poverty and hardship. As his father was absent and his mother struggled financially, he was sent to a workhouse twice before the age of nine. When he was 14, his mother was committed to a mental asylum. Chaplin began performing at an early age, touring music halls and later working as a stage actor and comedian. At 19 he was signed to the prestigious Fred Karno company, which took him to America. <sub>(WIKIPEDIA)</sub></p>

      <h2>Top Fact about CHARLIE CHAPLIN</h2>

              <li>He was the First actor who appear in Time magazine.</li>
              <li>He got married 4 times.</li>
              <li>His body was stolen After he died.</li>
              <li>He was born just four day before Adolf Hitler</li>

       <h3>Who is Your Favorite actor?</h3>
             <dt>Charlie Chaplin</dt>
                     <dd>(Active Years - <em>1889 - 1977)</em></dd>
             <dt>Christian Bale</dt>
                     <dd>(Actor of <em>DARK KNIGHT</em>)</dd>
             <dt>Ben Affleck</dt>
                     <dd>(Active of <em>GONE GIRL</em>)</dd>
        <h4>Simply <del> CUT </del> who you dosen't like</h4>
<p align = "center"> BY - <code>Nisal Priyanka</code></p>



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