
Sense Of War

Sense of War

     The earth is such a wonderful place that god create for humans. We all are the creatures born of the elements of which the earth is composed. Hence this heavenly body we know as "MOTHER EARTH". Imagine, how wonderful the planet earth we all live.

     but war destroy it all! As a Sri lankan, we faced a terrible war since 1983 to 2009. There are many many things i learned during that war period. First thing, there is NO VICTORY we can achieve in the war, but only killed thousand of our KINDS....

     So, Grate, Grate LEADERS! Don't think twice, think so much before declare the war. Maybe you think you did it as a good attention. but there is no good attention in war. You only did separate our love ones from us. Hence Please, save human kind from the war!

     As a Buddhist, Great Buddha thought us "Stanza" about peace... 

Nahi verena verani - sammati dha kudacancam
avereenacca sammanthi - esa dhammo sanantano

"Hatred never ceases throught hatred, but through love alone they cease.."